Urban Journalism Institute
Municipal Times Journal


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On Twitter, the third day of the UCLG Retreat features cities and local leaders. 

Cities face many challenges, and the only way to address them is through strengthening multilateralism. This is how @MaimunahShariff expresses it: “only with strong cooperative, regional and local governance can we be more sustainable”.

Yesterday there was talk of city diplomacy, migration, decentralized cooperation, democracy, climate change, citizen participation and achieving global agendas. Cities are the places where these actions are carried out. The people-centred approaches are already being applied here, and they are the ones promoting the #Agenda2030 and the #SDGs.

So, following the words of @berryonline, Mayor of Kitchener, we can say that “this is a unique moment, and we have to work as hard and collaboratively as we can to achieve the mandate of the SDGs.”

Many things are said on Twitter, but under the #UCLGmeets hashtag, the words of @PefiKingi stand out, who, in a more poetic but not less powerful: quotes Epeli Hau’fa to explain the philosophy with which we face these challenges:

“don’t think about the smallness of our islands but about the greatness of our oceans”