Urban Journalism Institute
Municipal Times Journal


#Listen2Cities: Shaping the Future at UCLG Retreat

The second day of the @uclg_org Retreat moves to X, transforming into a hub for sharing initiatives and learning with the @GlobalTaskforce in the spotlight.

In a space that brings together local and regional elected leaders worldwide, #Listen2Cities is more than a hashtag; it’s an imperative. Cities are voicing their needs, and our responsibility is to heed their call, recognising that the path to a sustainable world begins with local eff orts. Cities are at the forefront of the transformation and play a key role in achieving the SDGs, highlighting the need for intensifi ed dialogue at various levels.

This is the opportunity to set priorities for the year, review the SDG Rescue Plan and promote governance based on democracy, solidarity, care for our natural resources and commitment to future generations.

The Summit of the Future is a crucial milestone in our collective journey toward a more sustainable and equitable world. As we eagerly await its arrival, the urgency of fostering collaboration becomes more apparent. Our ability to address the challenges outlined in the 2030 Agenda depends on our shared commitment to work together. In an interconnected world (and not just through social networks), where challenges transcend borders, partnerships are not just a smart strategy but a necessity.

Through this spirit of collaboration, we can unlock the potential for breakthrough innovations, execute well-coordinated actions, and ultimately produce tangible results in realising our aspirations for sustainable cities.

The core message remains unwavering: united, we overcome obstacles, leaving an indelible impact on sustainable and urban development trajectories.

Emojis add a touch of dynamism, but the essence remains clear: through collaboration, we overcome barriers and achieve lasting goals for sustainable urban development.

Cofounded by the European Union This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of UCLG and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.