Urban Journalism Institute
Municipal Times Journal


To advance local governance worldwide, UCLG and The Hague Academy for Local Governance have forged a partnership to empower local authorities and reinforce democratic institutions across the globe.

The primary goals of the collaboration include providing training opportunities tailored for UCLG members and equipping local government officials with the necessary skills and knowledge to tackle contemporary challenges effectively. This involves offering special rates for training courses, developing curricula rooted in real-world examples, and facilitating staff collaboration in training programs. Additionally, the partnership seeks to amplify the visibility of training materials through joint branding efforts, promoting engagement within the local governance community.

Furthermore, the agreement underscores the shared commitment of both organisations to promote good governance, democratic values, and sustainable development at the local level, by leveraging their collective expertise and resources, UCLG and The Hague Academy aim to foster inclusive societies and contribute significantly to building resilient communities worldwide.

Cofounded by the European Union This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of UCLG and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.