Urban Journalism Institute
Municipal Times Journal

UCLG Presidency Pledge on the Pact for the Future for Humanity

On behalf of the UCLG Presidency, Li Mingyuan, Mayor of Xian, delivered a pledge during the Pact for the Future plenary session:

“We, local and regional government leaders,

Pledge to address the roots of inequality placing gender equality, protecting the urban poor, political participation, access to services, dignity, decent work and public spaces at the heart of our strategy. We also pledge to actively promote accessibility as a precondition to inclusion and universal housing, paying particular attention to the needs of self constructed settlements by replacing forced evictions with policies that promote inclusion and participation. UCLG Presidency will endeavour for this Pledge to directly answer on the international development agendas beyond 2030, providing the contribution of UCLG to the UN Summit of the Future and SDG Summit, putting people and equality at the center.”